
Human Connection by Design

Human Connection by Design

Human Connection is the core of meaningful existence. It is the big picture for why I left the practice of law for design. Although designing a space may be a superficial improvement in the world, I see design as the immediate ability create change and connect...connection with ourselves expressing style, our belongings with memories, others through the process and world via a footprint.

 “Home means the place where our soul feels that it has found its proper physical container, where every day, the objects we live amongst quietly remind us of our most authentic commitments and loves.”  - Alain de Botton

 As a furniture designer, I strive to create interest and excitement in purchasing through a personalized and custom process.  Beyond beauty, personalized quality furniture becomes a part of one’s story, one's family and may be passed down from generation to generation.  I like to refer to my furniture collections as “New Antiques.”  Take a moment to remember time spent sitting around the dinner table laughing with your loved ones and enjoying delicious food. I am sure smells, voices and deep emotion will come to mind. 

A table serves a greater purpose than filling a space, it facilitates connection.  My grandmother’s table offered foundational conversations that lead to my belief anything is possible.  She continually reminded me to dream big and not take time together lightly.  The proper set up for her table took two days to create for a two hour meal.  I loved her southern sophistication and style. This table is now my conference table and means for connecting with Majorie well beyond her years, so grateful for her love and inspiration.

May I inspire you to look around your home, studio or office and be grateful for memories and things you have…or better yet, get you creatively thinking about pieces to add to your story that may be told for years to come.

Margie and Me!
Written By Ashley Yeates